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Red Kite Learning Trust
Colton - Choir - 2023


Extra Curricular and Clubs

We value personal, social, spiritual, cultural and moral education and time is set aside for this work in class and in our daily assemblies. 

We use the SEAL principles to develop social and emotional aspects of learning. At Colton there is a strong belief that we will enable our pupils to become responsible members of society only by celebrating both academic and wider achievements. Success in areas such as PE, swimming, dance, music and art is valued and develops self-esteem. The requirements of the National Curriculum are the foundation of what is taught at Colton, but we provide many other activities to enhance the education of our pupils and we aim to make their time here as exciting, relevant and as memorable as possible. Children are trusted with responsibilities and roles in school. 

Colton - Forest School - 2023 (8)

Pupils are encouraged to join in activities to improve the school grounds, such as litter-picking and gardening. Older pupils work in the reception and nursery classes, act as play leaders and eco warriors through the green team and maintain the cloakrooms. Pupils are encouraged to organise competitions and raise awareness for their chosen charities. We organise regular class visits, and extra -curricular clubs and activities.

Pupils sing at the local residential home and we have music workshops and visits from theatre groups. Pupils spend time in the immediate locality and in Leeds, studying shops and buildings.

Parents are asked to complete a form, giving us permission to take pupils out on visits throughout the year. There is an annual residential visit Year 6. These visits are usually outdoor and adventurous in style. We request that parents make voluntary contributions towards the cost of school visits, baking and sports sessions.

The school does not make a profit on visits or visitors, which we subsidise as far as possible through our budget and school fundraising. All visits are offered on the basis of equal opportunity and no child will be denied access to a visit on financial grounds.

Copies of our charging and remissions policy are available in school and on the website. We are not allowed by law to ask for payment towards visits during school time, except for board and lodging on residential visits. If we didn’t receive sufficient contributions towards a particular visit there is a possibility it could be cancelled.  

We aim to provide a physical education programme in which all children can participate and develop confidence and competence in a wide range of activities. Through this programme we encourage everyone to value the contribution that physical education makes towards their health, well being and lifestyle. Our programme includes athletics, educational gymnastics, games, dance, swimming and outdoor pursuits. Through the support of government funding for PE, we employ coaches from different sports and we compete in all the Trust (cluster of local schools) competitions and extend this to city-wide opportunities and play friendly matches against teams from local schools. Our sporting clubs include football, cricket and dance.

To enhance the music curriculum at Colton, we have a visiting brass and woodwind teacher, a guitar teacher and a piano teacher. There is a charge for instrumental tuition. We have a well-established choir run by members of staff who are often invited to sing around the community.

Colton - Music - 2023 (1)

These are the clubs we are offering this term. If you want to sign up to any of the clubs please do so via ParentPay.

(please book yoga directly with Yoga House, link below)

Please note all clubs will run from w/c 03/06/24 to w/c 8/07/24 with the exception of the summer sports club, which will run for 4 sessions Friday 7th June to Friday 28th June.


Year/Club – Teacher

Number of places available


Price per term


Danish Long Ball Y3 to Y6

Miss Christie

6 Sessions:

3rd June, 10th June, 17th June, 24th June, 1st July, 8th July



£15.00 per half term


Football Y3 and Y4

Mr Brodie

6 Sessions:

4th June, 11th, June, 18th June, 25th June, 2nd July, 9th July



£15.00 per half term


Skipping Y3 to Y6

Miss Panesar

6 Sessions:

4th June, 11th, June, 18th June, 25th June, 2nd July, 9th July



£15.00 per half term


Yoga Reception to Y6

Yogahouse - Vicky Atherton

6 Sessions:

5th June, 12th, June, 19th June, 26th June, 3rd July, 10th Jul

Please book your child’s place using the below link. (please copy and paste this into your web browser



£25.00 per half term



Mr Brodie

6 Sessions:

6th June, 13th June, 20th June, 27th June, 4th July, 11th July



£30.00 per half term


Choir Y3 to Y6

Mrs Orchard  

6 sessions:

6th June, 13th June, 20th June, 27th June, 4th July, 11th July



£15.00 per half term


Rounders Y3 to Y6

Miss Shepherdson

6 sessions on:

6th June, 13th June, 20th June, 27th June, 4th July, 11th July



£15.00 per half term


Board Games Y4 to Y6

Mr Hazelgrave

6 sessions:

6th June, 13th June, 20th June, 28th June, 4th July, 11th July



£15.00 per half term


Gymnastics Y1 to Y3

Leeaine Hargreaves

6 sessions:

7th June, 14th June, 21st June, 28th June, 5th July, 12th July



£30.00 per half term


Gymnastics Y4 to Y6

Leeaine Hargreaves

6 sessions:

7th June, 14th June, 21st June, 28th June, 5th July, 12th July



£30.00 per half term


Hobby Horse Adventures Reception to Y2

Zoe Brown

6 sessions:

7th June, 14th June, 21st June, 28th June, 5th July, 12th July

For more information and to book your child’s place, please email:

No Club on Friday 21st June as the Summer fair is taking place.



£25.00 per half term


Hobby Horse Adventures Y3 to Y6

Zoe Brown

6 sessions:

7th June, 14th June, 21st June, 28th June, 5th July, 12th July

For more information and to book your child’s place, please email:

No Club on Friday 21st June as the Summer fair is taking place.



£25.00 per half term

Colton Primary School is part of Red Kite Learning Trust, a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 7523507, registered office address: Red Kite Office, Pannal Ash Road, Harrogate, HG2 9PH

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