Oxford Reading Buddy-
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Miss Hulse, Mrs Cothay, Mrs Ramsden, Miss Johnsen and Miss Bruce are all part of our lovely Reception team. In Reception we use Tapestry, which is a great tool that both teachers and parents use to share photos and videos of our children playing and learning. We use this to build up a profile of each child in Early Years, but we use it as our home-school communication tool too.
You can view your child’s learning journal on Tapestry using a web page. We would recommend downloading the free app too, this can sometimes be easier and quicker to use. We ask for parents to check this regularly for updates and to let us know if there any problems. We use Read Write Inc to teach phonics in Reception class and we love it!
At home you can read with your child and complete our weekly tasks:
At the beginning of our school year, Reception class made a promise to be kind friends.
We discussed this together and our Reception children said kindness is…
(Comments straight from the children!)
Many thanks
The Reception Team