- For Parents/Carers
- Admissions
- Prospectus
- Attendance & Absence
- Our School Day
- Drop off & Pick Up
- Colton Kids Club - Before and After-School Care
- Calendar
- E-Safety
- Safeguarding
- School Meals
- Uniform
- Pastoral Care
- Support for Parents/Carers
- Next Steps: Secondary School & beyond
- Online Payments
- Parent view
- Parent communications
Next Steps: Secondary School & beyond
Year 6 pupils transfer at the end of July each year.
Admission arrangements to all high schools are controlled by Leeds City Council Children Services. The school maintains a neutral stance in this matter and does not promote any particular high school. The Pastoral Mentor and the Year 6 teacher have responsibility for high school liaison and will support pupils through the transition. The majority of our pupils transfer to Temple Moor High School and Garforth Academy. Others transfer to Brigshaw High School, Boston Spa High School, Tadcaster High School, QEGS, Leeds Girls High and Leeds Grammar School.
- For Parents/Carers
- Admissions
- Prospectus
- Attendance & Absence
- Our School Day
- Drop off & Pick Up
- Colton Kids Club - Before and After-School Care
- Calendar
- E-Safety
- Safeguarding
- School Meals
- Uniform
- Pastoral Care
- Support for Parents/Carers
- Next Steps: Secondary School & beyond
- Online Payments
- Parent view
- Parent communications